Steps to surgery


Steps to check on bariatric surgery:

  1. Interview with 1st team surgeon: drawing up a detailed medical history, if the patient is a candidate for surgery, derives the different specialists to complete the assessment.
  2. 2nd Evaluation by specialists: medical clinic, nutrition, psychology, psychiatry.
  3. Eventually 3rd assessment by other specialists if necessary, based on certain conditions associated him to present the patient (eg, endocrinology, hematology).
  4. Application of complementary studies: complete laboratory, urinalysis, electrocardiogram and cardiac, radigrafía-ray, spirometry, abdominal ultrasound, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy.
  5. A preoperative preparation diet and weight control changes.
  6. When the entire multidisciplinary team considers that the patient is able to perform the surgical procedure, the surgeon surgery program.


Once the date scheduled surgery, the patient goes into the same day in the morning at the Sanatorium. After the surgery, the patient is moved to a hospital room, and if necessary, to the intensive care unit. In general discharge is given between 2 and 3 days.


Checks are carried out mainly with the surgical team and nutritionist.
The frequency of checks is:

  • 1 time per week the 1st month.
  • 1 time every 15 days the 2nd month.
  • 1 time per month until the 6th month postoperative.
  • 1 time every 2 months until.
  • 1 time every 6 months during the second year.
  • Then, one time per year.


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